Let Freedom Ring?

Free Speech ZoneBush in West Virginia for Fourth

A couple from Texas was taken out of a speech given by President Bush in West Virginia Sunday.

Police placed Nicole and Jeffery Rank of Corpus Christi in restraints after they entered the event with a ticket and then removed their clothes to reveal anti-Bush T-shirts, according to the acting director of the Capitol police in Charleston.

He said the two were asked to go out to the designated protest area, but refused.

Bush came to West Virginia on the nation’s 228th birthday….

About 6,500 people packed into the Capitol’s north courtyard to hear him.

As police rushed her out, Nicole Rank shouted that they were told they couldn’t be there because they were wearing anti-Bush shirts.

Police say the two were issued citations for trespassing and released.

Remember when all of America was a ”free-speech zone”? mjh

Rooftop Revolt — Overthrow Bush

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