Krauthammer Does a Cheney (and feels better for it)

In Defense of the F-Word By Charles F. Krauthammer,

The F-word was used.

Washington is scandalized. The newspapers were full of it. Lamentations were heard about the decline of civility. …

Democrats, feeling darned outraged, demanded apologies. The vice president remained defiant, offering but the coyest

concession — that he “probably” cursed — coupled with satisfaction: “I expressed myself rather forcefully, felt better after I had done

it.” …

Ah, but the earnest chin-pullers are not amused. Cheney’s demonstration of earthy authenticity in a chamber in

which authenticity of any kind is to be valued has occasioned anguished meditations on the loss of civility in American politics.

Liberals in particular have expressed deep concern about this breach of decorum.

Charles Krauthammer is the

darling of the radical right. Here he presents a pseudo-intellectual dissertation on “fuck you” vs “go fuck yourself,” and gleefully

speaks of hurling insults at other drivers. Just in case anyone is actually offended, he speaks of Cheney’s ”alleged

indiscretion.” Alleged? Really? Did he curse or didn’t he? Where is that gutsy ‘you know where they stand’ manliness? Not to be

found in ”I probably said it.”

Krauthammer ends with contrasting the furor over Cheney’s witticism vs no furor over Gore

comparing Bush to Hitler and Stalin. And, in a way I’m sure he finds clever, says ‘fuck you’ to Gore.

Some might say there is a

difference between citizen Gore speaking to a partisan crowd and Vice President Cheney in the People’s House. Others cut Gore a lot of

slack as the true President deposed in a bloodless Supreme Coup — maybe attacking the usurper ”makes him feel better,” Dick.


a liberal, I don’t give a shit that Cheney, and Krauthammer, are assholes. I’m certainly not surprised. What’s significant is that

these are the holier-than-thou American Ayatollahs. These are the Christian right’s darlings. These are our mullahs, decrying the

decline of Western civilization at the hands of foreign infidels. These are the Compassionate Conservatives who want to restore family

values, defend marriage, leave no child behind. Fucking liars. These guys are coarse, common and mean as shit — and scared, to boot.


PS- The first few dozen time I used the word ‘fuck’ around my mother, she winced and covered her ears. I don’t mind using the

word, but writing it here in this public forum does make me very conscious of readers who don’t like it. I’m not saying I’m sorry,

just that I’m not indifferent or oblivious.

mjh’s Blog: Cheney says: Go Fuck Yourself, America!

mjh’s Blog: American Ayatollah

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