Category Archives: ID

Intelligent Design is Anti-Science.

More Science, Less Nonsense

class="mine">This entire article (read it!) seems to do more justice to the science of Evolution, without having to give equal weight to

the mysticism of Inteligent Creationism. mjh

New Analyses Bolster Central Tenets of Evolution Theory

By Rick Weiss and David Brown, Washington Post Staff Writers

That a mechanism driven by random events should result in perfectly

adapted organisms — and so many different types — seems illogical.

“Even today a good many distinguished minds seem unable to

accept or even to understand that from a source of noise, natural selection alone and unaided could have drawn all the music of the

biosphere,” Jacques Monod, a French biologist and Nobel Prize winner, wrote in 1970 in the book “Chance and Necessity.”


selection was really hard to accept in Darwin’s day. But it has become easier with the discovery of genes, DNA and techniques that have

made it possible to watch natural selection happen. …

DNA is a stringlike molecule made up of paired beads called nucleotides.

It carries the instructions for making proteins and RNA, the chief building materials of life. Individually, these instructions are

called genes.

The random changes Darwin knew must be happening are accidents that happen to DNA and genes. Today, they can be

documented and catalogued in real time, inside cells.

Cells sometimes make errors when they copy their DNA before dividing. These

mutations can disable a gene — or change its action. Occasionally cells also duplicate an entire gene by mistake, providing offspring

with two copies instead of one. Both these events provide raw material for new genes with new and potentially useful functions — and

ultimately raw material for new organisms and species.

Richard E. Lenski, a biologist at Michigan State University, has been

following 12 cultures of the bacterium Escherichia coli since 1988, comprising more than 25,000 generations. All 12 cultures were

genetically identical at the start. For years he gave each the same daily stress: six hours of food (glucose) and 18 hours of starvation.

All 12 strains adapted to this by becoming faster consumers of glucose and developing bigger cell size than their 1988 “parents.” …

When Lenski and his colleagues examined each strain’s genes, they found that the strains had not acquired the same mutations.

Instead, there was some variety in the happy accidents that had allowed each culture to survive. And when the 12 strains were then

subjected to a different stress — a new food source — they did not fare equally well. In some, the changes from the first round of

adaptation stood in the way of adaptation to the new conditions. The 12 strains had started to diverge, taking the first evolutionary

steps that might eventually make them different species — just as Darwin and Wallace predicted.

In fact, one of the more exciting

developments in biology in the past 25 years has been how much DNA alone can teach about the evolutionary history of life on Earth. …

As scientists have identified the totality of DNA — the genomes — of many species, they have unearthed the molecular equivalent

of the fossil record.

It is now clear from fossil and molecular evidence that certain patterns of growth in multicellular

organisms appeared about 600 million years ago. Those patterns proved so useful that versions of the genes governing them are carried by

nearly every species that has arisen since.

take a stand for Jesus

Intelligent design tied to creationism in Dover

trial By Bill Toland, Post-Gazette Harrisburg Bureau

HARRISBURG — Board members who succeeded in introducing “intelligent

design” to students in Dover Area School District were wary of evolutionary theory and explicit in their desire to balance the

teaching of evolution with a more Christian-friendly philosophy, three plaintiffs testified yesterday during the second day of a

landmark federal trial. …

“If evolution was part of the biology curriculum, creationism should be shared 50-50,”

[Aralene] Callahan quoted [Alan] Bonsell as saying.

[William] Buckingham, according to the testimony, expressed fears that the

biology textbooks he’d reviewed were “laced with Darwinism,” and too one-sided in their deference to evolution. At a board meeting,

Buckingham criticized a college student who studied evolution, saying the man had been “brainwashed.”

Buckingham said somebody

needed to take a stand for Jesus, witnesses said. His wife, Charlotte, quoted Old Testament verses during public board

meetings, one plaintiff testified.

The Globe and Mail: By

accident or design?

As governor of Texas, George W. Bush said students should be exposed to both creationism

and evolution. Last month, he said intelligent design should be taught alongside evolution. “Both sides ought to be

properly taught,” he said, “so people can understand what the debate is about.”

May god damn these fools

Remember, you can’t spell Bibles without lies.

A nation where nearly

half the people believe the world is only 6000 years old and dinosaurs were in Eden and on the Ark probably doesn’t deserve to be saved.

Certainly, as more people willingly embrace ignorance every year, there isn’t much hope.

Religion is the lobotomy of the people.


In Evolution Debate, Creationists Are Breaking New Ground

Museum Dedicated to Biblical Interpretation Of the World Is Being Built Near Cincinnati
By Michael Powell, Washington Post Staff


PETERSBURG, Ky. — The guide, a soft-spoken fellow with a scholarly aspect, walks through the halls of this handsome,

half-finished museum and points to the sculpture of a young velociraptor.

“We’re placing this one in the hall that explains the

post-Flood world,” explains the guide. “When dinosaurs lived with man.”

Mark Looy [mjh: pronounced “Looney”]

— the guide and a vice president at the museum … [says], “We call him our ‘missionary lizard,’ ” Looy says. “When people

realize the T. rex lived in Eden, it will lead us to a discussion of the gospel. The T. rex once was a vegetarian, too.”

The nation’s largest museum devoted to the alternative reality that is biblical creation science is rising just outside

Cincinnati. Set amid a park and three-acre artificial lake, the 50,000-square-foot museum features animatronic dinosaurs, state-of-the-

art models and graphics, and a half-dozen staff scientists. It holds that the world and the universe are but 6,000 years old and

that baby dinosaurs rode in Noah’s ark.

The $25 million Creation Museum stands much of modern science on its head and

might cause a paleontologist or three to rend their garments. But officials expect to attract hundreds of thousands of visitors when the

museum opens in early 2007.

“Evolutionary Darwinists need to understand we are taking the dinosaurs back,” says

Kenneth Ham, president of Answers in Genesis-USA, which is building the museum. “This is a battle cry to recognize the

science in the revealed truth of God.”

[B]y any measure, Young Earth Creationism — which holds that the Bible is the

literal word of God and that He created the universe in seven days– has a more powerful hold on the beliefs of Americans than

evolutionary theory or intelligent design. That grip grows stronger by the year.

Polls taken last year showed that 45

percent of Americans believe that God created humans in their present form 10,000 years ago (or less) and that man shares no common

ancestor with the ape. Only 26 percent believe in the central tenet of evolution, that all life descended from a single ancestor.

Another poll showed that 65 percent of Americans want creationism taught alongside evolution. …

Another creationist museum

launches expeditions to the Papua New Guinea highlands in search of living pterodactyls.

All of this — creationist zoology,

paleontology, archaeology — is framed in a distinctive academic language.

So one reads of post-Babel studies, and floodology and

post-diluvium studies, these being the study of the world after Noah and the Great Flood, which is regarded as purest fact. …

the creationist bottom line is a through-the-looking-glass version of science. The scientific method of theory, experiment and

assumptions upended does not apply. Ask Ham if he could accept evidence that conflicts with his reading of Genesis — proof, say, that a

fossil is more than 6,000 years old — and he shakes his head.

Creationists believe man became mortal when God cast Adam and Eve

out of Eden 6,000 years ago. Death did not exist before that.

“We admit we have an axiom: We have a book and it’s the Bible and

it’s revealed history,” says Ham. “Where the Bible teaches on science, we can trust it as the word of God.” …

Scientists place

the age of Earth at 4.5 billion years. Many tend to act resigned at the mention of creationists, seeing a worldview so different as to

defy debate.

“There are people who are prepared to accept that the universe is a pretty untidy place,” said Ian Tattersall, a

curator at the American Museum of Natural History. “And there are people, like the creationists, whose minds rebel at this notion.”

“Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but not their own facts.” Daniel

Patrick Moynihan

ABQjournal: Museum of Natural History Takes

T. Rex’s Story to Dramatic Proportions By John Fleck, Journal Staff Writer

The story of T. rex is dramatic for many reasons.

In addition to being Earth’s “most horrific predator,” it was the last of its family line, ripping and tearing its way into the

extinction of the dinosaurs.

“It’s the end of an evolutionary story,” said Lucas, a curator at the New

Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science.

But beyond the drama of T. rex is a tale as scientifically beguiling as it is


For a moment in Earth’s history that was brief in geologic terms, evolution gave the planet a family of killer

dinosaurs— the Tyrannosaurids— different from anything before or since.

The sharp-toothed dinosaurs wandered a world very

different from our own. Called the Cretaceous (kruh-TAY-shus) period, it was in geologic terms the dawn of our modern world, as the

ancient supercontinent of Pangea broke into the pieces that became the continents we see today.

Flowers and bees first

appeared on the planetary stage during the Cretaceous. Mammals played only bit parts, while dinosaurs, after 100 million years of

evolution, reached their apex.

Picking Over the Bones by

John Fleck

Here’s a little challenge to the Intelligence of the Design. mjh

Creationism Still Blows! at Jalenack

Octopi have their optic

nerves attached to the backs of their retina. They have no blind spot. Their eyes are the perfect ones. Ours still have flaws. [The

Intelligent Designer] decided that we weren’t good enough to have perfect eyes.

We didn’t evolve from Octopi, so we didn’t get

the non-blind eye that evolved after our common ancestor (probably a jellyfish, or something).

Down the ID Rabbit Hole

class="mine">This link was sent by a friend. A little heady, but lots ‘o links from here to fallacious creationist claims. mjh

Argument from incredulity – EvoWiki

There are two types of

this fallacy [an appeal to ignorance], depending on whether it’s the arguer’s own incredulity:

* “This is unexplainable”

(meaning, of course, “I can’t explain this”). This is the argument from personal incredulity, and it contains the unwritten assumption

that the speaker is a superhuman genius who should be able to understand everything unless he is missing an assumption. So the superhuman

genius concludes that some assumption (God, aliens, psi, whatever) is true.

* “Scientists cannot explain this” (meaning, of

course, “as far as I know, science can’t explain this”). This variation contains the unwritten assumption that scientists are superhuman

geniuses and should be able to understand everything unless they are missing an assumption. This undue veneration of scientists is a form

of scientism, or using science as an ersatz religion. On top of that, it is simply not true in many cases – scientists do have an

explanation, and the speaker just doesn’t know it.

mjh’s Blog: Vox populi and mundus vult decipi