Been catching up on some blog reading and, in the custom of our cohort, have some recommendations for you.
I feel for the sense of injustice over at ABQrising ( As one listed twice (in your face!) in the Alibi’s recent list of local blogs, I extend a welcoming hand to another local blog with potential. This, even though none of my blogs appear in its blogroll. (Is there a blogroll big enough for me and Mario Burgos?)
It says something that I enjoyed the cartoons more than anything else at (particularly, Jesus – Meet Prometheus from Unlike Believers, atheists don’t seem to congregate, even virtually. This site looks like it gets a lot of visits, FWIW.
This one is just too cool and I wonder how long it can keep it up: strange maps (hat tip to my homie jfleck).
Harry Potter: Pronunciation Guide | Scholastic Vocabulary Word Scramble
National Novel Writing Month – National Novel Writing Month, via Albloggerque, a Sunday Poem. I was ready to forget this until I read the last 4 lines. Damn, that’s fine. mjh
Found Letter, by Joshua Weiner
What makes for a happier life, Josh, comes to this:
Gifts freely given, that you never earned;
Open affection with your wife and kids;
Clear pipes in winter, in summer screens that fit;
Few days in court, with little consequence;
A quiet mind, a strong body, short hours
In the office; close friends who speak the truth;
Good food, cooked simply; a memory that’s rich
Enough to build the future with; a bed
In which to love, read, dream, and re-imagine love;
A warm, dry field for laying down in sleep,
And sleep to trim the long night coming;
Knowledge of who you are, the wish to be
None other; freedom to forget the time;
To know the soul exceeds where it’s confined
Yet does not seek the terms of its release,
Like a child’s kite catching at the wind
That flies because the hand holds tight the line.