‘Progressives damn the Constitution and the People’ – a Conservative says so, so it must be true

The end of Calcified Cal’s latest column is enough to make you think The Error of Limbaugh-Beck-Fox is coming to an end: Cal Thomas Official Web Site – The President and the Republicans  Still, it is hard to disagree with what the president said in his opening remarks to the Republicans: “I don’t believe that … Continue reading ‘Progressives damn the Constitution and the People’ – a Conservative says so, so it must be true

Throw Those Scrappy Repugs a Bone – But Keep a Rolled Up Newspaper Handy

Update: I saw a sign that said, “Now it’s our turn for a change.” Really? I endured 8 years of Duhbya and 14 years of a Republican Congress — and galling arrogance and meanness every moment of that time. Now, barely a year after Obama and the Dems inherited all the shit that went down, … Continue reading Throw Those Scrappy Repugs a Bone – But Keep a Rolled Up Newspaper Handy