Feminists and Gays to Blame for Abu Ghraib

Question: who has more responsibility for the horrors of Abu Ghraib? Duhbya Bush or Gloria Steinem? mjh

Nightmare of Iraq prison abuse is rooted in coed basic training by Cal Thomas

From the ”don’t ask, don’t tell” policy pertaining to homosexuals in the military, to the politically correct assignment of women at the most sensitive levels, politicians, military and civilian commanders pretend that the powerful sex drive can be controlled and made irrelevant in the pursuit of military objectives. …

Congress and the Pentagon need to do something about coed basic training and the assignment of women to certain jobs that put them and what should be the military’s primary goals at risk. If they do, they are likely to find a connection between the disciplinary breakdown at the jail of ill repute in Iraq and the sexual politics of people who think the military is just one more sociological playground which can be changed into something it isn’t.

I knew gays and feminists were to blame for 9-11. Now, thanks to the deep thinking of Calcified Cal, we know Abu Ghraib is also their fault.

Suddenly, I’m reminded of the General Turgidson in Dr Strangelove, with his obsession over the purity of his personal bodily fluids. Cal Thomas’s column must actually be written by Al Franken — surely a conservative can’t be such an idiot. mjh

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