Update: I saw a sign that said, “Now it’s our turn for a change.” Really? I endured 8 years of Duhbya and 14 years of a Republican Congress — and galling arrogance and meanness every moment of that time. Now, barely a year after Obama and the Dems inherited all the shit that went down, some people demand change? It sickens me.
Let’s hear it for the good people of Massachusetts, who have near-universal health care and same-sex marriage: Thanks for denying that to the rest of us, MA! That tumbling sound may be Ted Kennedy or the Founding Fathers in response to the Mad Hatters. Let’s hope this little bit of extra rope is all it takes for the Radical Wrong to hang themselves before the Fall.
You think “it’s the economy, stupid”? Then how in the hell can anyone vote for a Republican? From Hoover to Raygun to Duhbya, the Republicans are for the rich getting richer and corporations getting freer. “A rising tide lifts all yachts.” — Warren Buffett. And all it takes to make galley slaves of the rest of us is the mistaken belief that anyone can become rich / win the lottery / win American Idol / become President (Duhbya, Palin).
[I’m reprinting the following from last fall.]
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Enjoy yourselves, my dear conservative friends. Yes, you were victorious in one race on Tuesday. Savor. But, please, mind the crowing and gloating – it underscores how desperate you are for any positive sign.
Read the info at the following link, which includes more than one progressive victory [last fall], as well, while missing the progressive sweep in Las Cruces, New Mexico.
Think Progress » ThinkFast: November 4, 2009
Remember, even in yesterday’s races, Republicans were tearing at each other for this bone. The movement to exterminate the RINOs is alive and well. This is a shrinking, hardening, increasingly ugly “party” not likely to court anyone the least bit open-minded. Harsh? Read the philosopher king of conservatives, calcified Cal Thomas.
The Left has put aside the original Constitution in favor of a "living document" that they believe allows them to do whatever they want and demand more tax dollars with which to do it.
Can they be stopped? …
Lawyers are busy writing language only they can understand which seeks to circumvent the intentions of the Founders. But it will be difficult to circumvent the last four words of the Tenth Amendment, which state unambiguously where ultimate power lies: "…or to the people."
Americans who believe their government should not be a giant ATM, dispensing money and benefits to people who have not earned them, and who want their country returned to its founding principles, must now exercise that power before it is taken from them. The Tenth Amendment is one place to begin. The streets are another. [mjh: Don’t forget your guns and hateful signs!] It worked for the Left.
Give me your paranoid, your loony. The nation isn’t united by the Constitution – according to Cal – instead, the majority hates the Constitution and will destroy the stalwart True Believers, who must take to the streets and water the Tree of Liberty. (No, no, don’t pee on it!)
E.J. Dionne Jr. – E.J. Dionne Jr. on Tuesday’s election lessons for Democrats –
The night’s biggest loser was the national conservative political machine — the wealthy tax-cutters at the
Club for Growth and the Palin-Limbaugh-Beck complex. The Beltway Right shoved aside local Republicans in an Upstate New York
congressional race, imposed their own candidate who didn’t even live in the district, and went down in a heap. …
Indeed, the
stronger the right’s role in shaping the Republican message, the harder it will be for middle-of-the-road voters to use the Republicans
to express their discontent. …
Stephen Jones: The Foxes Fail in New York, Democrats-Lite Falter in Virginia
This is a
post by contributing writer, Stephen Jones, who is a progressive political activist and a resident of Las Cruces, New Mexico.
Tuesday, retired Air Force Captain Bill Owens became the first Democrat to represent the northern tier district of New York State,
presently numbered 23, since the Civil War era. One hundred and fifty eight years to be exact. The remote district borders the St.
Lawrence River and the Canadian border and includes the Adirondack Mountains. The highest percentage any Democratic candidate has
received prior to last night’s victory in that district is 36.2% in 2006. The special election was scheduled to fill a vacancy caused
when Republican Congressman John McHugh resigned to fill an appointment by President Obama to the position of U.S. Secretary of the Army.
On Thursday and Friday last week, the State Board of Education [in Texas] took up these
recommendations in a lengthy, heated debate. Some highlights of what the Republican-leaning board ended up deciding, and the debates that
went on:
— On a 7-6 vote, the board decided to add “causes and key organizations and individuals of the conservative
resurgence of the 1980s and 1990s, including Phyllis Schafly, the Contract with America, the Heritage Foundation, the Moral Majority, and
the National Rifle Association†to the curriculum.
– The Republican majority voted against requiring Texas textbooks and
teachers to cover the Democratic late senator Edward Kennedy, the first Hispanic Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor, and leading
Hispanic civil rights groups such as LULAC and MALDEF. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Thurgood Marshall, the country’s first
African-American Supreme Court justice, will be taught.
– Republican Don McLeroy lost a battle to “remove hip-hop and insert
country music in its place from a proposed set of examples of cultural movements.†Republican Patricia Hardy said that while she
disliked hip hop music, pretending it wasn’t around was “crazy.†“These people are multimillionaires, and believe me, there are
not enough black people to buy that,†she said. “There are white people buying this. It has had a profound effect.†Country music was
added as a separate measure.
– “McLeroy was successful with another of his noteworthy amendments: to include documents that
supported Cold War-era Sen. Joseph McCarthy and his contention that the U.S. government was infiltrated with Communists in the 1950s.â€
– “Republican board member Cynthia Dunbar unsuccessfully tried to strike the names of Scopes monkey trial attorney Clarence
Darrow and Pan-Africanist Marcus Garvey from the standards. Asked by another member about her opposition to Garvey, Dunbar explained,
according to the Texas Tribune: “My concern is that he was born in Jamaica and was deported.â€
– The board “included a
requirement for students in U.S. history classes to differentiate between legal and illegal immigration.â€