The “Willie Horton” Ad Of 2004? The “Willie Horton” Ad Of 2004?

Republican group’s ad shows Osama, Kerry. It appeals to fear, and twists Kerry’s record on defense, intelligence, Iraq.


An ad by the Republican group “Progress for America Voter Fund ,” mostly funded by wealthy GOP donors, suggests Kerry can’t defend against terrorists “who want to kill us.” It shows images of Osama bin Laden and the attacks of September 11, 2001.

The ad claims Kerry has “a 30-year record of supporting cuts in defense and intelligence,” misleading charges that we’ve de-bunked before. It also accuses Kerry of “endlessly changing positions on Iraq,” a claim that is without factual basis.

Kerry responded with his own ad, quoting a New York Times editorial calling the Bush campaign’s recent statements about Kerry and terrorism “despicable.”

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