York Worthy of ‘Honorable’ Title

ABQjournal: Letters to the Editor

I HAVE KNOWN Judge Wendy York for many years. She is, without a doubt, one of the finest, most qualified judges New Mexico has ever had. She is smart, wise, dedicated, efficient and judicious.

Her ethics are impeccable; her integrity without reproach. In a past judicial poll, her ratings by all who appeared before her were 96 percent to 98 percent in every category. Despite her many professional accomplishments, she conducts herself without a trace of arrogance.

If those who unfairly malign her over one decision out of thousands had done any research, they would have found that Judge York is eminently worthy of the title “honorable.”

Bernalillo County Probate Judge, Albuquerque

When campaign finance reform was being debated, Republicans bellowed that money was equal to free speech, that limiting anyone’s right to give money to any cause was a violation of free speech (even though this means rich people have more free speech than poor people). Funny, I don’t see Republicans coming to the defense of York’s free speech right. mjh

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