This Week’s WTF!?

Gas will *never* be as cheap as it has been. Supplies will *never* keep up with demand — unless the economy collapses. We will *never* drill our way out of this dead-end. Wake up. Stop whining. Change. peace, mjh


Thank Environmental Wackos for $5 Gas
CONGRATULATIONS to the politicians in Santa Fe on their recent decision to haul waste products from drilling locations from sites in New Mexico.
This is just another sample of the irrational thinking that has brought us to seeing $4 per gallon gas when we fill up our cars with this product. This started when Bill Clinton vetoed drilling in that beautiful ANWR that a lot of folks will visit.
We also have coming down the tracks the Lieberman/Warner Climate Security Act that has just come out of Barbara Boxer’s Environmental and Public Works Committee. This will add an estimated $1.50 to $5 per gallon of gas to the current price, according to industry experts. The energy industry is not faultless with their record-setting profits.
Let us send Santa Fe some $5 per gallon gasoline from the San Juan Basin and perhaps the legislators can jump on King Bill’s train and go up to the Galisteo Basin and enjoy the beautiful environment. They might also stop and buy some corn on the cob at $5 per ear — thanks to ethanol — and have a snack.
Everyone else can have a nice day pedaling their bikes around town and take time to thank the idiotic environmental whackos!

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