Judges Interpret the Law

“you keep mentioning republicans—-i don’t care what party they are in.” — Joe Monahan

OK, Joe, I re-read your entries to see that you in fact didn’t ID the judges’ parties; my mistake, brought on in part by the fact that this is, to some, a highly partisan issue.

Cops enforce the law; judges interpret it. And yet, as humans, we all make mistakes. As part of the rapidly escalating intolerance in society, we will not tolerate mistakes.

But the judicial system is a process; if this judge is wrong, the next judge can say so. I’m angry at people who are saying the system stinks with corruption, undermining any faith in this vital process. You may have a perfect ethical compass, but many in this fight are just making noise because they lost a round; ethics don’t really matter to them.

Regardless of party, there is a faction at work in our country that says: the media is liberal and cannot be trusted, the teachers are incompetent and cannot be trusted, the judges are activists and cannot be trusted, the federal government is an invasive beast that must be starved, taxes are theft, regulation is tyranny, and on and on. These people are destroying our confidence in every single aspect of the system. Whether they see or speak the truth or not, they poison the well for all of us. They are far more dangerous than foreign terrorists. mjh

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