Joe Monahan Slips

Like a lot of others, I have made it my habit to read Joe Monahan’s blog on New Mexico politics regularly. Sure, I’ve been bothered by the cheesy ads, which now have crept into the daily headings, but the meat has kept me coming (note to advertisers: I will actively avoid you).

I started feeling uneasy after Joe seemed to give Duhbya such glowing reviews for his appearances in New Mexico and his alleged post-convention bounce. And I was disappointed that he didn’t reply to an email question about protests during Duhbya’s visit. No, I don’t expect Joe to oppose Duhbya, but I had come to expect balance that suddenly seemed lacking.

Now, today, Joe has really gone too far. He has linked Judge Wendy York with Judge John Brennan. In other words, he has equated her with a convicted drug user. She deserves better. Judge Wendy York, cancer survivor, is one of the most respected judges in New Mexico. I agree she fucked up on this, but that shouldn’t be equated with Rush Limbaugh’s drug addiction (hmm, wait, I don’t recall Republicans calling for Lush’s ouster). A career is made up of many actions; this one should not end hers.

Note that the Republican’s could have brought this info out before the ruling but slyly waited until it went against them. Clever dicks.

Joe’s not just reporting, he’s spinning. Say it ain’t so, Joe. mjh

Joe replies:

“It ain’t so,” Mark. Judge York herself saw the light and decided to withdraw her ruling keeping Nader off the ballot. It was an unfortunate ethical lapse and even more damning coming on the heels of the Brennan affair and the questionable Thompson Voter ID ruling. Her lapse was not equivalent to Brennan’s misdeed and I did not say they were, only that our district court should be on red alert after that fiasco which severely damaged it in the public eye.

I am not going to carry water for any of the Prez candidates. Bush undeniably had a successful visit here. His poll numbers reflect that as well as the screw-ups of the Kerry campaign. Be assured, that I will continue to call them as I see them without regard to party affiliation. Keep up the good work.


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