Steve Pearce sticks his thumb in Democrats’ eyes

In his column in the Albuquerque Journal, Steve Pearce reasserts that America’s woes come from the government and the Democrats. No mention of the corprotacracy that owns his party. And not one word about “rebuilding” anything.

ABQJournal Online » Thanks for Your Vote; Now, Let’s Rebuild America

Across the state, people have told me that the Democratic leaders controlling the White House and the Senate have moved away from the values they grew up with. ..

We are struggling, but we aren’t beaten. …

They simply want the freedom to work hard, to worship and live as they see fit and to take responsibility for their actions. I am confident that if Washington will give back the freedoms and bring back the manufacturing jobs we desperately need, we will hear stories of struggle turn into stories of success, and watch stories of fear become stories of hope.

ABQJournal Online » Thanks for Your Vote; Now, Let’s Rebuild America

AmeriCo is happy to give you the freedom to work hard. In fact, work yourself to death in an unregulated industry with no health care, retirement benefits, or rights. If you want a manufacturing job, don’t expect government to bring it back.

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