Remembering 1968: a sympathy note to young Romney supporters

In 1968, my friend Dave Stilwell persuaded me to help him distribute campaign literature in support of Hubert Humphrey, one of the greatest public servants, in the campaign against Dick Nixon, history’s greatest villain. It was very difficult for me to work up the courage to walk through an unfamiliar neighborhood and approach a stranger’s door. I may have been rebuffed by someone or just still carry that fear 44 years later. When the villainous Dick won, all my effort seemed wasted. That was my first political involvement and disappointment, soon to be repeated in 1972 by the same dastard. (And again in 1980, 1984, 1988, 2000, and 2004.)

Don’t give up on your hopes and your belief in ideas or ideals. Never stop questioning candidates and supporting those who deserve your support. Get over your disappointment when you can and put your heart out there again and again. 

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