Gingrich’s restless mind could push Obama forward – The Washington Post
Gingrich is a Rorschach test: If you don’t think he’s nuts, you are. …
Gingrich channels George C. Wallace, the four-time Alabama governor who ran as many times for president. …
Mitt Romney adds nothing to the national debate, not so far anyway. If he’s the GOP nominee, we will get more of his nonsense about running a business — tell me what great president ever ran a successful business — and how he’s a job creator. With Gingrich, it would be different. He might actually challenge Obama to think hard, to be creative, to come out of his shell …
Of course, if Gingrich becomes the Republican nominee, it’s incumbent upon him to lose. He’s an unscrupulous man, a one-car demolition derby, but if he goads Obama to unaccustomed bravery and other Democrats to rethink outdated liberal dogma (affirmative action, etc.), then he will have done his nation a great service. Take a bow, Newt. Then take a powder too.
Gingrich’s restless mind could push Obama forward – The Washington Post
Cal Thomas Official Web Site – It’s complicated
A longtime conservative friend sent me an email after reading something positive I had written about Newt Gingrich: “Whoever votes (for) or supports Newt for president is out of their mind.”
It wouldn’t be the first time I’ve been called crazy.
He continued: “You can believe in redemption, as I do, but you are not thinking seriously if you support a person for president with the baggage he is carrying. What an example for our children and future generations when we dismiss character as the foundation for leadership.”
There’s more, but I get his point.