Before DUHbya, Republicans called themselves “The Party of Ideas.” They were the Vulcans, and liberals were “emotional.” Granted, it was a small part of the party that had such hubris, but they also had the limelight. For at least 10 years, Republicans have been the Party of No, for whom every subject is judged by some stark litmus: no taxes, period. No negotiations. Government is always wrong/evil. “Main stream media” is liberal (hah!). Democrats hate America. Global warming is a hoax. Evolution is a lie. Obama is a foreign-born Muslim socialist. Michelle Obama is an “angry” black woman. Simple, inflexible – and patently false – views, echoed endlessly by angry, red-faced brutes on Fox. Republicans have been anti-thought, anti-intellectual, mouth-breathing knuckle-draggers and proudly, defiantly so. “Take yer nuance and shove it, dirty Liberals.”
Does the sudden appeal of the bloviating Perfessor indicate a change is afoot? Are Republicans simply cowed by big words and desperation for Anybody but Mitt (the one guy who could threaten Obama – at least, until Newty gutted him)?
Could ideas matter again, someday? Are Republicans ready for thought and debate, to be persuaded, to negotiate and – gasp! – to compromise? No way. Not this year.