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Sensible legal argument for legalization of marijuana

ABQJournal Online » Marijuana Review Is Warranted

By Dick Minzner / Albuquerque lawyer on Mon, Oct 29, 2012

There is no doubt that a professional football career shortens a player’s life expectancy appreciably. Even if life is not shortened, serious injuries frequently impair the quality of life after football. More than two thousand former players are suing the National Football League over brain injuries they allegedly suffered while playing.

These players voluntarily played football, which they probably loved, earned more money than they could have earned elsewhere and must have understood there were risks of injury. A common reaction to the suit among the public and commentators seems to be that the players made their choices and should accept the results of these choices.

An alternative common observation is that players deserve compensation if they received inadequate medical treatment or information from team doctors, and there should be better treatment and information available in the future. Nobody, however, responds by advocating the outlawing of football, even though serious injuries are inevitable.

Most Americans accept that in a free society adults can choose to do things that endanger their health, even if they seem unwise to others. Professional football is not the only, or most extreme, example.

Less visible but more tragic are the deaths of over four thousand motorcyclists per year and the serious injuries to many times that number. In boxing and other combat sports the purpose of the activity is to cause disabling injury. In college and high school sports and in unorganized sports and activities, injuries are common, some with long-lasting effects.

It is widely understood that alcohol and tobacco are proven killers and that some fast food diets can be unhealthy. We accept the decisions of adults (including, in some cases, parents of underage children) to decide whether to assume all of these risks.

There is, however, a notable exception. We spend tens of billions of public dollars annually to prevent Americans from choosing to consume marijuana and other drugs. This effort has many negative social consequences. Incarceration of criminals takes money from other needs such as education and health care. Law enforcement is diverted from other efforts. The judicial system becomes overcrowded.

Very profitable activities go untaxed, benefitting criminals at the expense of honest citizens. Our prohibition policy enriches criminal organizations and corrupts law enforcement in this country and others.

Further, marijuana prohibition has proven ineffective. Probably most adults and many high school students, if so inclined, could readily obtain marijuana in spite of its illegal status.

We should have a public discussion about whether the health risks of marijuana are clearly greater than those of alcohol, cigarettes, motorcycles, boxing and football. If not, then at least as to this drug, perhaps adults should have a choice, even if they make an unwise decision.

Are there reasons that potential marijuana purchasers in a free society should be denied the same freedom of choice to risk their health that cigarette smokers, alcohol consumers, motorcyclists, boxers and football players have?

Marijuana prohibition is, in essence, a large, ineffective government program with very substantial costs in terms of dollars, freedom and the empowerment of criminals. In an era of lean public budgets, it diverts resources that could be made available for other purposes.

Any other public program with a similar record would face substantial political opposition from both liberals and conservatives. It is time for a re-examination of our policy.

Dick Minzner is a Democratic former member of the New Mexico House of Representatives. He also was a Cabinet secretary for the Department of Taxation and Revenue.

ABQJournal Online » Marijuana Review Is Warranted

Top 10 Safest & Most Dangerous Cities to Drive In

Follow the link if you want to see which cities are safest. mjh

Top 10 Safest & Most Dangerous Cities to Drive In

10 Most Unsafe Cities to Drive In

According to the new findings, the 10 most unsafe cities for driving in the U.S. are:

  1. Orlando, Fla.
  2. Memphis, Tenn.
  3. Glendale, Tenn.
  4. Miami, Fla.
  5. Las Vegas
  6. Birmingham, Ala.
  7. Sacramento, Calif.
  8. Tampa, Fla.
  9. San Antonio, Texas
  10. Jacksonville, Fla.

Top 10 Safest & Most Dangerous Cities to Drive In

And we’re back …

I have two immediate reactions upon returning to Albuquerque after two weeks camping in Colorado. First, Albuquerque is horribly noisy. That we all put up with the cacophony is a real shame. Humans are noisome and the more of us you have, the more noise (and trash and violence and destruction) you have. Still, we could put some of our creativity and oh-so limited intelligence into making the world quieter.

Second, after being immersed in green, I understand the reaction so many visitors have to the bleak and barren aspect of Albuquerque. Mind you, I will always love the expansive vista (and much more about home). It’s not just dry here — it’s exposed, naked, raw. I say this as someone who doesn’t find a deep woods comforting — I’d rather see the enemy coming from a distance, thank you. (Or hear them, in the case of all you fools with ATVs.) But steeping two weeks in innumerable shades of green from foot to a hundred feet overhead makes our tiny patch of green outside the kitchen door look like a smiley face sticker on the side of the Death Star.

See, home barely 12 hours and I’m stressing out. Did you miss me?

The remote control that revolutionized our ‘fat assets’ – Leonard Pitts Jr. –

The remote control that revolutionized our ‘fat assets’ – Leonard Pitts Jr. –

We are gathered here today to memorialize a man who revolutionized our lives.

So what did Eugene J. Polley do? What was the nature of his great leap forward? Did he invent the PC? Did he invent the cell phone? Did he invent the Internet?

No. Eugene J. Polley invented the wireless remote ….

The remote control that revolutionized our ‘fat assets’ – Leonard Pitts Jr. –

Eat more sugar?

Eat more sugar! | Wheat Belly Blog

What’s the point of avoiding wheat if you don’t have celiac disease or gluten-sensitivity? Many reasons:

1) You avoid the gliadin protein of wheat, the opiate in wheat that stimulates appetite and increases calorie consumption by 440 calories per day. (Eliminate gliadin and calorie consumption drops by 440 calories per day.)

2) You avoid the lectin in wheat, wheat germ agglutinin, that is directly toxic to the intestinal tract and causes abnormal intestinal permeability that Trojan horse’s foreign substances into the bloodstream, causing multiple inflammatory diseases. You may also restore leptin sensitivity to restore the capacity for weight loss.

3) You avoid the amylopectin A of wheat, the “complex carbohydrate” that accounts for the fact that two slices of whole grain bread increases blood sugar higher than 6 teaspoons of table sugar.

4) You avoid the alpha amylase inhibitors that trigger wheat allergy, likely the trigger for the boom in wheat allergy among kids.

There’s more, but you get the idea. Wheat is a perfectly crafted poison to humans.

Eat more sugar! | Wheat Belly Blog

Smoking was my first social network …

As an introvert, smoking gave me instant rapport with other smokers. Although I lost that community when I quit smoking, I suddenly had a lot of time on my hands. I was amazed by that. But, if you smoke a pack a day and each cig takes 3 minutes or so, that’s an hour. (I did the math for you.) We fritter time away in small chunks. Since I stopped using Twitter and Facebook, I already have time on my hands.

Using Twitter and Facebook, I’ve come to see myself as a mouse tapping the bar, waiting for a pellet to drop out, over and over again. Sometimes  there’s a yummy morsel — more often, there is not. No offense to everyone who thinks their morsel is so yummy. I’m tired of pushing the bar every few seconds. I want those seconds to add up to something more than "is that all there is?"

I’m especially frustrated that Twitbook promotes ADHD and memory loss. Name one tweet or status update that really stuck with you yesterday. Can you? How about last week? How many times have you puzzled over what someone meant in 140 characters or less? How many links have you followed that left you shrugging? Attention is a limited resource. Spend your time on beauty, wonder, laughter, and love. In the real world.

I’ll continue to feed my own pellets into the pipe. I like to write. You don’t have to read or respond, if it seems unfair to you. I’ll offer you a deal: if I would follow you on Twitbook and you have a blog, I’ll subscribe to your blog. If you want me to know something, send me email. I’m still interested in you, just not in wasting precious attention.