And we’re back …

I have two immediate reactions upon returning to Albuquerque after two weeks camping in Colorado. First, Albuquerque is horribly noisy. That we all put up with the cacophony is a real shame. Humans are noisome and the more of us you have, the more noise (and trash and violence and destruction) you have. Still, we could put some of our creativity and oh-so limited intelligence into making the world quieter.

Second, after being immersed in green, I understand the reaction so many visitors have to the bleak and barren aspect of Albuquerque. Mind you, I will always love the expansive vista (and much more about home). It’s not just dry here — it’s exposed, naked, raw. I say this as someone who doesn’t find a deep woods comforting — I’d rather see the enemy coming from a distance, thank you. (Or hear them, in the case of all you fools with ATVs.) But steeping two weeks in innumerable shades of green from foot to a hundred feet overhead makes our tiny patch of green outside the kitchen door look like a smiley face sticker on the side of the Death Star.

See, home barely 12 hours and I’m stressing out. Did you miss me?

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