Category Archives: media


America, we’re better than this. How about toning down the rhetoric, stopping the violence, and instead putting our efforts into attempting to understand each other and come up with real solutions to our problems? – Heath Haussamen

Poets versus Clowns

VB Price is a poet and one hell of a commentator. Read his latest. I’ll pluck this sweet morsel:

“Vicious jokers, fake news salesmen, industrial corporate PR, paranoia-for-hire TV commentators, and slapstick self-promoters are in charge of information. You keep on wondering how many other guys with red noses and flappy shoes can pile out of the tiny car under the big top and spray the crowds with excrement.”

More questions than answers for media in free fall 
By V.B. Price 8/5/09 9:22 AM

Jim Scarantino Finds Peace

Just two weeks ago, I called Jim Scarantino the biggest jackass in New Mexico. Today, he has written something that couldn’t be more different from the angry tone of his usual political column. Jim found peace and it infuses this column. I hope – I would pray, if I prayed – his next column is as free of anger and hate. One would begin to look forward to reading his column.

Will those readers who like Scarantino’s Limbaugh impression be put off by this column? I can imagine them yelling “traitor! terrorist!”


Arabs Continue To Find N.M. a Welcoming Place
By Jim Scarantino
For the Journal

I miss Dimdahl

Right now, the biggest jackass in New Mexico is Jim Scarethemtino. And, he may well be worse than John Dimdahl was. (At least, Dimdahl liked skiing and legalizing marijuana.) It has been awful watching Scarethemtino’s transformation – he used to be an OK guy and a half-decent writer.

Don’t worry, though. Democrats/liberals/socialists/gays/non-whites (immigrants)/women are working on classifying “wrong thinking” (conservatism and love of gawd and country) as a mental illness. Help is on the way, Jim – you’re covered.

Dems’ Plan Is Hidden Tax
By Jim Scarantino

This is the new “culture of coverage.” Instead of promoting personal responsibility and self-reliance, government will indoctrinate its citizens in the merits of hitching a free ride on other’s backs.
       Organized calisthenics will involve extending an arm forward from the shoulder, turning one hand to the sky, and holding that pose until free stuff graces the palm. All citizens must participate. Them that’s got, give it up. Everyone else, find your place in line.

Twitter Twaddle

I’ve been curious about Twitter for quite a while. Mind you, I am naturally averse to the mob and its fickle fancies. I don’t march to any drummer, not even my own. However, I am a computerist and technologist and curious.

I started to explore Twitter by looking at the "tweets" I might actually follow. If you follow these links,  you see what tweets look like, albeit outside of the normal flow of Twitter.

168 Following

jfleck (jfleck) on Twitter

* Name Ed Bott * Location Santa Fe, NM * Web… * Bio award-winning author, tech journalist, Windows geek 193 Following 976 Followers

  • Name Ed Bott
  • Location Santa Fe, NM
  • Web…
  • Bio award-winning author, tech journalist, Windows geek

193 Following

Ed Bott (edbott) on Twitter

  • Name Netflix
  • Location Los Gatos, CA
  • Web
  • Bio Official Netflix twitter channel.World’s largest online movie rental service.For customer service on twitter:Netflix Helps. We want to hear from you.

17 Following

Netflix (netflix) on Twitter

Twitter / Albuquerque: #ABQ – City looking into a …

My impression of this is that if you enjoy listening to the conversations going on around you in a crowded restaurant, you will love Twitter. I prefer context and quiet. peace, mjh

We’re All Newcomers

Two things are certain about living in New Mexico. First, no matter how newly you arrived, someone newer will arrive shortly. People have been moving to New Mexico for at least 13,000 years and that migration isn’t stopping soon. Second, no matter how long you’ve been here, someone has been here a lot longer. That’s really the other side of the same coin. Whether you arrived here 100, 500, 1,000 or 10,000 years ago, someone has been here longer. (Except for those first arrivers.) In geologic time, everyone got here yesterday or this morning — we’re all newcomers. Of course, people don’t think that way. Instead, we divide ourselves any way we can, including by longevity of residence. My 25 years loving New Mexico are meaningless to someone whose family has lived here for generations. We all would consider it absurd for someone who arrived on Monday to judge someone who arrives on Friday. When does absurdity become propriety? Does 100 years count if your family has been here 1000? How does 1000 stack up against 10,000?

I’m thinking about "rights" and "claims" because of an interesting issue that has recently arisen in New Mexico. We have a commuter train that runs from Belen, south of Albuquerque, to Santa Fe, to the north. Over a course of 100+ miles, the train passes through several Indian pueblos. (There are 19 pueblos and tribes in New Mexico.) Pueblos are semi-independent nations with their own laws and regulations. Most pueblos forbid people from taking photos on pueblo land with some exceptions. Now that the train passes through these lands, the pueblos have asked people to refrain from taking photos from the train along part of the route. A reasonable and polite request. The rub comes from the railroad asking people to refrain from taking photos. These are public right-of-ways run by the state. Does the state have the right to impose pueblo law on non-pueblo citizens on public right-of-ways? I’ll let the courts decide that, as I am sure they will be asked to.

When I finally ride the train to Santa Fe, I will respect pueblo requests to avoid photographing people and buildings on pueblo land. But what of the vista? Who can claim to own a vista that stretches 100 miles? If the conductor asks me to put away my camera and I don’t, will he or she consider me a jerk? Even if I am genuinely respectful of the pueblos up to the point of wanting, as a fellow citizen of New Mexico and the world, the privilege to photograph the long view or a roadrunner eating a snake?

I’m particularly surprised that the press doesn’t react more to the way this came to pass. Someone knows someone and gets a favor. An unelected official imposes his will on people without any discussion. There’s something outrageous there. Or would only a jerk think so?

Isn’t the press curious whether Isleta pueblo, which straddles the southern route that opened in 2008, made a similar request six months or more ago and, if not, why not?

In her front page story, Leslie Linthicum has two powerful paragraphs (no sarcasm):

But what separates good people from jerks is the ability to temper "I wanna" and "I can" with "do I really hafta?" and "I won’t." …

So, will you? That probably depends on whether you’re a New Mexican or whether you just live here.

But Leslie may be unfair in her harsh judgment. (Westerners often tolerate what they don’t really approve of.) She draws a line in the sand and calls anyone who even questions the line a jerk. I’ve lived here 24 years. I *love* New Mexico and want to live here until I die.

I’ll bet Leslie a Golden Pride breakfast burrito that one of the following things will happen in the next five years. First, someone willing to be considered a jerk will sue over this matter. A legally-savvy jerk will note that this appears to violate the anti-Establishment clause of the US constitution. Moreover, it probably violates the anti-donation clause of the NM constitution. Second, perhaps as a result of this lawsuit, the train will install automatic shades, which will drop at various points along the ride. Third, the pueblos will erect fences or other visual blocks where they feel they are necessary. (That’s the solution I endorse, short of miles of fencing.)


Photos From the Train? Not on Pueblo Lands
By Leslie Linthicum
Journal Staff Writer

In Which I Throw My Shoe at Jim Scarantino

Jim Scarantino has tried hard to fill the void left with by the departure from New Mexico of John Dimdahl, that paragon of rightwingnuttery. Today, Jim explains the dark side of progressives (using a Nobel laureate to defend his views). Let’s listen in:

As Nobel laureate Friedrich Hayek has shown [mjh: beyond any doubt!], progressives have always had a regrettable dark side. … [I]n their push to transform society, progressives frequently show an eagerness to employ the coercive powers  of the state against individuals and individual rights that inconvenience their agenda.

Hmmm. Does he mean things like forcing you to take your shoes off before boarding a plane? Is Jim referring to the database record that includes your Facebook page and Amazon purchases? Or is he thinking of the hundreds of people imprisoned for years without a trial, often wrongly? Oh, those damn Progressives. No, wait, that was the Conservatives! Sorry, Jim.

Human beings of every stripe have a regrettable dark side. Conservatives have always worn theirs on their sleeves. peace, mjh