In Which I Throw My Shoe at Jim Scarantino

Jim Scarantino has tried hard to fill the void left with by the departure from New Mexico of John Dimdahl, that paragon of rightwingnuttery. Today, Jim explains the dark side of progressives (using a Nobel laureate to defend his views). Let’s listen in:

As Nobel laureate Friedrich Hayek has shown [mjh: beyond any doubt!], progressives have always had a regrettable dark side. … [I]n their push to transform society, progressives frequently show an eagerness to employ the coercive powers  of the state against individuals and individual rights that inconvenience their agenda.

Hmmm. Does he mean things like forcing you to take your shoes off before boarding a plane? Is Jim referring to the database record that includes your Facebook page and Amazon purchases? Or is he thinking of the hundreds of people imprisoned for years without a trial, often wrongly? Oh, those damn Progressives. No, wait, that was the Conservatives! Sorry, Jim.

Human beings of every stripe have a regrettable dark side. Conservatives have always worn theirs on their sleeves. peace, mjh

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One thought on “In Which I Throw My Shoe at Jim Scarantino”

  1. I read that column, and thought someone

    should comment on it. He says that by legalizing same-sex partnerships and abortion for those who want them, the religious rights of

    those who oppose them are violated. So should people with all kinds of other prejudices be honored by denying rights to everyone else

    if they disapprove? I can think of lots of racial, gender, and reproductive rights that one religious group or another might oppose.

    Does that mean no one else can have them? This is not a theocracy! Also, if your religion wants slavery or polygamy or child marriage,

    or wives with no rights, you can’t have it in the US. We should be for more rights, not fewer. And more rights for fetuses means fewer

    for women, who are already here.

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