The creatures named above have been accused of a monstrous crime. Regardless of their guilt, they are not “innocent,” they are vile. In their defense, they readily admit that they believe it is fine for a group of men to sexually abuse a clearly intoxicated woman. Moreover, their defense rests on the fact that they think it is fine to record sexual assault. Even if they didn’t drug and rape this woman, they are vile creatures worthy of public humiliation. I hope this episode haunts them and ruins their lives.They should be heckled and spat upon.
Lawyer: UNM student was drugged | Albuquerque Journal News
Charges against Lobos cornerback SaQuan Edwards were dismissed Thursday, pending further investigation by the UNM Police Department. The charges against Lobos running back Crusoe Gongbay and CNM student Ryan Ruff were dismissed earlier this week. The case could be reopened at any time, depending on the police investigation.
The three men faced rape, kidnapping and conspiracy charges. Edwards and Gongbay were suspended from the UNM football team shortly after the allegations surfaced. It was in Ruff’s BMW where the crimes allegedly took place. All three men say they are innocent. …
According to police reports, Abdullah Saidi was one of two students who drove to a party with the woman. In his deposition he said she informed him that she was on Ecstasy and that he could tell her pupils were dilated. He was the one who introduced her to other students who had gathered for UNM’s “fiestas” celebration in mid-April, according to the deposition that Bleus allowed the Journal to look at.
The other witness, Wendell Carter, said in another deposition that he thought she was intoxicated before she arrived at the dormitory apartment where the students gathered before heading off to a house party.
Another witness said he saw the woman grab Gongbay’s crotch before she got into the BMW, according to the deposition. Gongbay, he said, was shocked.
Saidi, who claimed he also had sex with the woman that night, said he, too, saw her grab the football player. He said he provided the testimony “because, honestly … I feel like she’s not telling the truth.”