Serenity (4 stars)

I saw Serenity in the theater when it first came out (2005) and again just now on Roku. Like everyone who saw the TV series Firefly, I loved Joss Whedon’s creation, a unique vision of the final frontier. Everyone, that is, but the astonishing idiots in charge of Fox programming. A pox on their houses. I highly recommend Firefly. Serenity, on the other hand, is for true fans: A reunion with old friends. Of course, the movie does add to the myth and provides one of the great anti-heroes in The Operative, played brilliantly by Chiwetel Ejiofor (be sure to see him in Kinky Boots – talk about versatile). Ultimately, Serenity is too violent for my tastes, but love of the franchise boosts my rating.

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