“The world as it is, is not the world as it has to be.”

I was stunned by this Obama campaign ad. It makes me want to cry. It has a Sixties vibe that surely enrages some, but it seems to reach the very young and Boomers simultaneously. (Though I can’t really speak for either group — or any group.) mjh

The Page – by Mark Halperin – TIME
“Script for Obama Ad “Join”

“I’m Barack Obama and I approve this message. We want an end to this war and we want diplomacy and peace. Not only can we save the environment, we can create jobs and opportunity. We’re tired of fear; we’re tired of division. We want something new. We want to turn the page. The world as it is is not the world as it has to be.””


my.barackobama.com | “Join” – On the Air in New Mexico


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