
Tonight: Iowa! While it may seem to have come upon us suddenly, I feel I’ve been waiting for a year. I talked to a few people this past holiday and was surprised by how many like Obama (I do) and how many could live with McCain (I could).

I despise Nit Romney after his “we’re all Christians” speech. I dread Clinton v Guiliani — no winner in that face-off. (Though I could more easily live with Clinton.)

Curiously, the Republicans in Iowa don’t really caucus. They effectively have a primary: pick one, go home. I think Huckabee will do well. He’s a nice guy, a real compassionate conservative, unlike Duhbya. Too bad he doesn’t believe in evolution, wants a 30% sales tax, and thinks we should round up Pakistanis — a bit of a slip of the halo, there, but one that probably increases his appeal to the Republican base.

As for the Dems, in caucus, if your candidate doesn’t get 15% tonight, you can move on to a more electable choice. It’s all about who is in the room at the time.

Four years ago, I was a Dean supporter. Dean got screwed by the media. Watch closely what dirty tricks come out tomorrow and all the way to Election Day. The Swiftboaters have already started their engines.

Watch Charlie Rose tonight (repeats at noon tomorrow). If you can stand him (I can’t), he will have analysis from interesting guests (if he lets them get a word in edgewise).

Watch ABC Saturday night, with back-to-back Republican and Democratic debates just before New Hampshire. Be ready for 2/5 — the nominees will more than likely be determined by then. mjh

PS: Whatever happens this year, we can all celebrate the end of the Bush Error. Duhbya, Cheney, Rove — gone!

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