Joy — Terror — Joy!

This morning I dreamed I was walking through some tree. Small owls flew at me randomly, not threateningly but much more directly than one would expect.

Suddenly, I was above the timberline and heard thunder. Crap, how did I let this happen, I wondered, as the group I was with scrambled to get off the exposed ridge before lightening struck.

We rounded a bend as a woman issued a warning and I was at the top of a trail that hugged a cliff. Here it was barely two feet wide with a precipitous drop and I leaned into the cliff feeling exactly the dread I would if the situation were real. I sidled along the trail as it descended and widened into a forest road covered with snow, at which point I was skiing on my shoes. As I passed the woman, I said, I didn’t used to be able to do this!

At the bottom of the hill, people and dogs were milling about. I saw Lucky Dog playing to one side and called him. He ran to me and I was very happy when I woke. mjh

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