With several Senators absent due to
presidential campaigns, sickness or the aftermath of Hurricane Frances, the Republican Senate leadership is planning to slip in a vote on
the flag desecration amendment –- a measure that would not otherwise pass. But due to these absences, this proposed amendment to the
U.S. Constitution — which has already passed in the House — has a real chance of passing in the Senate. We need your help to stop it!
The flag desecration amendment would alter the First Amendment for the first time. Civil libertarians, coalitions of veterans,
religious leaders and other Americans have been vocally opposing this un-American initiative for many years, but its supporters have been
waiting for a moment like this to slip it through.
Take Action! The Senate vote will be extremely close and we need you to tell your
Senators to oppose this dangerous amendment.
American Civil Liberties Union : Act now! Senate Leaders Will Soon
Move to Approve the Flag Amendment