Swiping Two Cites from Two Sites


The Independent.UK: ‘Pantheist’ Lincoln would be unelectable today.

At one time in his life, to say the least, he was an elevated Pantheist, doubting the immortality of the soul as the Christian world understands that term. He believed that the soul lost its identity and was immortal as a force.


NewMexiKen | Provocative line of the day

“I often argue that the concept of ‘atheism’ is unnecessary and misleading. Nearly everyone rejects Zeus, Thor, Isis, along with the countless other dead gods of antiquity, and yet no one feels the need to name this condition of unbelief.”

Sam Harris

Penn Jillette says it best: “I believe that there is no God. I’m beyond atheism.”

NewMexiKen | Provocative line of the day

I’m beyond antagonosticism (my coinage), but not yet beyond anti-theism.