I hate July 4th

I see little difference between nationalism, patriotism, and religion. All have arbitrary rules made sacrosanct, designed to impose conformity. How do humans cooperate? Not through reason, which is often literally the afterthought. Our guts rule our minds. Control the viscera and the mind won’t matter. Tyrants do it crudely. Great nations do it more subtly. One key is a good show. Shake a bent stick and bellow and the world will follow you.

Above all, I hate the senseless noise. When I was I child, I loved all fireworks. I loved the noise, as well as the light. These days, I like quiet and more than resent the irony that my quiet disturbs no one while their noise destroys my quiet. Our interests simply cannot coexist and the herd doesn’t give a damn about my interests. Years ago, my resentment became rage when I saw my dog terrified to the edge of death by the entertainment of mouth-breathing dimwits. Now, my stomach is in knots days before and after the Fourth. We discuss strategies: Is there any place one can go where there are no fools? No. So, we hunker down, generating our own noise grinding our teeth.

In the end, I usually turn my back to the thing that demands everyone’s attention and will not be ignored. I will not add my fuel to someone else’s fire. Let the children kick their can noisily down the block. This too shall pass and return, another cycle outside my influence.

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