My Photos in 2009

As the year ends, I’ve been looking back over the photos I took this year. I take photos every single day. From 2009, I kept 6805 photos. No one else but Merri will see most of those. I continue to upload my favorite photos to Flickr (, about 4 photos a week. The 203 photos I uploaded to Flickr in 2009 can be seen at

I decided to select one favorite photo from each month in 2009 . These aren’t necessarily my 12 best photos of the year, but they are a decent representation. I love photographing birds, flowers, and bugs. I hope you’ll see something you like. Feel free to comment. And share your own photos in 2010.

Click on these pictures or the link. On the next page, click “Slide show.” There will be a button at the bottom for full screen.

2 thoughts on “My Photos in 2009”

  1. Your macro and insect photos are great!

    It’s nice to know I’m not the only one who takes

    thousands of photos that no one ever sees…

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