Shake the Nuts Out of the GOP Tree

While the Republicans engage in soul-searching, they may want to consider what to do about the bigots, idiots, and nut-jobs that cling to the GOP. It might also be time to shove a sock in the mouths of the ever-angry hate-jockeys on talk radio.

In Pa., Pockets of Doubt About an Obama Presidency | 44 |

By Robin Shulman
WILKES-BARRE, Pa. — The idea of an African American president doesn’t sit well with John and Marlene Roberts, who were eating a breakfast of eggs and hashbrowns at Denny’s the morning after Sen. Barack Obama’s victory.

“I guess you could call us prejudiced,” said Marlene, 62, a retired collection agency worker wearing a diamond-studded cross around her neck.

“I don’t believe a black person should be president,” continued Marlene, as she took a forkful of eggs over-easy. “I hope he does wonderful things. But I don’t like it.” …

This is a traditionally Democratic town, with a Democratic mayor. Yet Sen. John McCain poured resources into this largely white, working-class county and others like it in northeastern Pennsylvania, perhaps noting the fierce opposition to Obama among some of its residents.

Few people acknowledge racial prejudice as nakedly as the Roberts. But when asked how they feel about an African American president, some answer like Matt Sobieski, 23, a security guard, who shrugged, “Nothing you can do. He’s already elected.”

In Pa., Pockets of Doubt About an Obama Presidency | 44 |

Think Progress » Novak: 3 Million Vote Margin = Mandate For Bush; 7 Million For Obama = No Mandate

As of now, Obama’s popular vote margin stands at 7,401,289 — more than twice Bush’s 2004 vote margin — and Obama has netted 63 more electoral votes than Bush in 2004. In his column, Novak dismissed the Democratic Senate gains this year, even though they have netted five seats for a total of 56, with three more seats potentially up for grabs. By contrast, the conservatives’ so-called 2004 “mandate” netted only four new seats for a total of 55.

Said Novak, “[Obama] may have opened the door to enactment of the long-deferred liberal agenda, but he neither received a broad mandate from the public nor the needed large congressional majorities.”

[Said Novak four years ago:]

Q: Bob Novak, is 51 percent of the vote really a mandate?

NOVAK: Of course it is. It’s a 3.5 million vote margin.

Think Progress » Novak: 3 Million Vote Margin = Mandate For Bush; 7 Million For Obama = No Mandate

Red and Blue America | NewMexiKen

Blue indicates counties that voted more Democratic than in 2004. Red indicates counties that voted more Republican than in 2004. The darker the color, the greater the change.

Red and Blue America | NewMexiKen

Looks like Obama has twice the political capital that Duhbya claimed in 2004. It also looks like the upcoming generation of Republican rule that Duhbya credited to the architect of victory (Rove) will be a generation wandering the wilderness, cursing Duhbya. (A long trek may be the best way to lose the hate-filled loonies.) peace, mjh

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3 thoughts on “Shake the Nuts Out of the GOP Tree”

  1. I’m amazed

    that “Road Rage Bob” Novak beat the rap for running over that bicyclist in DC. He’s always been the slimiest of the GOP slimy, even

    before he participated in the outing of CIA agent Valerie Plame for political purposes.

    And I thought he said he was retiring his

    diatribe machine, but I guess he’s as honest as most Republicans, which is to say not at all. He’ll spew I suppose until they pry the

    venom pen from his cold, stiff fingers.

  2. Why must Obama still support this group with racist roots?

    What I

    say here is found in books that anyone can find on the Internet ( or or rare bookstores. Do you realize that

    many women are supporting a group whose founder spoke highly of the Nazis’ practices and teachings in the 1930s and 1940s, and who wrote

    books with racists wordings and ugly eugenics practices, such as getting rid of those kids who were deformed or had genetic problems?

    What group and founder are I talking about? Let me give you some idea what this founder wrote in her books (yes, she is a woman).

    This female founder refers to people who are epileptics, feeble-minded, blind, deaf, mute, etc. as:

    –> “…this dead weight of

    human waste…” that is “…the terrific cost to the community…”

    This female says, “‘Constructive’ Eugenics…shows us that we

    are paying for and even submitting to the dictates of an ever increasing, unceasingly spawning class of human beings who never should

    have been born at all…”

    Lovely, isn’t it?

    And then she refers to these problem people this way:

    –> “Every

    single case of inherited defect, every malformed child, every congenitally tainted human being brought into this world is of infinite

    importance to that poor individual; but it is of scarcely less importance to the rest of us and to all of our children who must pay in

    one way or another for these biological and racial mistakes.”

    She also said that large families should kill some of their children

    so as to save “resources” for others.

    How about this idea which is similar to the Nazis’ propaganda during the 1930s?

    > “On its scientific side, Eugenics suggest the reestablishment of the balance between the fertility of the “fit” and the “unfit.”

    In one of her publications, a magazine review, persons sympathetic to the Nazis’ practices and even German Nazis themselves

    wrote articles for her. In other documents, she refers to the supremacy of the white race over the other races. Isn’t great that she

    wrote side-by-side with those Nazis?

    What are these books and materials to which I refer?

    “The Pivot of Civilization”

    “Woman and the New Race”

    “The Birth Control Review”

    Who is the author of this trash?
    Who is this supporter of the

    Nazi eugenic practices?


    Do people think that Jewish women are blind to

    Margaret Sanger’s promotion of racial eugenics? Let me quote something from her that both she and Planned Parenthood standby:

    –> “By education, by persuasion, by appeals to racial ethics and religious motives, the ardent Eugenicist hopes to increase the

    fertility of the “fit.” ”

    Planned Parenthood refers to her as a Woman of Valor. Do you like that term? Not all of us Jewish

    women are now blind to what Planned Parenthood is doing to women all over the world. Are you?

    AND note also that the Gay /

    Lesbian Groups ALL support Planned Parenthood WITHOUT any reservations also!

    a Jewish woman who was deceived and attacked by

    Planned Parenthood and who also lost relatives in the Holocaust, thanks to Margaret Sanger

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