“It’s no wonder only 20 percent of Americans admit to being Republicans anymore – it’s an embarrassing label to claim.” Amen.

The Back Forty » Nobel Laureate Obama 

The DNC’s Brad Woodhouse sent around this statement in response to Republican sniping, which I’m not going to quote.  If you want to find their snark, it won’t be hard.  Here’s the DNC’s response:

The Republican Party has thrown in its lot with the terrorists — the Taliban and Hamas this morning — in criticizing the President for receiving the Nobel Peace prize. Republicans cheered when America failed to land the Olympics and now they are criticizing the President of the United States for receiving the Nobel Peace prize — an award he did not seek but that is nonetheless an honor in which every American can take great pride — unless of course you are the Republican Party. The 2009 version of the Republican Party has no boundaries, has no shame and has proved that they will put politics above patriotism at every turn. It’s no wonder only 20 percent of Americans admit to being Republicans anymore – it’s an embarrassing label to claim.

Now the RNC is crying foul, as if they never tried to link Obama to terrorists, communists, socialists, the anti-Christ, and god-knows-what all else. What a bunch of crybabies.

The Back Forty » Nobel Laureate Obama

Think Progress » Citing ‘Fascism, Socialism, Obamaism,’ Republican Strategist Launches Impeachment Campaign 

While the international community is heralding President Obama for his leadership, right-wing activists here in America are clamoring to impeach him. Republican operative Floyd Brown, “one of the nation’s dirtiest political strategists” and the architect of the racially-charged Willie Horton ad against Michael Dukakis, has launched a campaign to impeach Obama. Brown, who registered his impeachment website in August, worked closely with congressional Republicans to push a similar crusade against Clinton, starting in 1994. During the 2008 campaign, Floyd ran commercials claiming Obama is Muslim.

Rather than cite any specific crime, Brown is demanding Obama’s removal for pursuing progressive agenda items like health and clean energy reform. His website blares: “Are you willing to let [Obama] construct a totalitarian regime… fascism, socialism, Obamaism… take your pick?”

Brown, a proud “birther,” explained to radio host Alan Colmes yesterday that he is also outraged because he doesn’t believe Obama was born in America

Think Progress » Citing ‘Fascism, Socialism, Obamaism,’ Republican Strategist Launches Impeachment Campaign

Fox News Coverage (or Lack Thereof) of Obama’s Nobel Prize – Tuned In – TIME.com 

Finally, at 9:39, Fox anchor Megyn Kelly mentioned the prize award for (I timed it with a stopwatch) 11.1 seconds. After which Bill Hemmer segued: "Hey, meet the guys who built a pumpkin cannon!"

To be fair, it was a really awesome pumpkin cannon.

Fox News Coverage (or Lack Thereof) of Obama’s Nobel Prize – Tuned In – TIME.com

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