I Know Who’s an AINO

I want to thank staunch Conservative purists for continually showing that “you’re with us or you’re against us” in absolutely every single detail of ideology. By purging the Republican Party of its awful RINOs – Republicans in name only – the small-minded, bigoted, and vicious Right has cleansed itself of the weak who paradoxically threaten then. Strength through purity and like-mindedness. Agree with me or die my enemy – the creed of “conservatives” around the world.

So, today, I announce the new AINO Movement for a Strong Fatherland Homeland– pronounced I Know, don’t you know: Americans In Name Only. If you think America is a Christian Nation, you’re an AINO. If you are afraid beyond any reassurance, you’re an AINO. If you’re angry to the point of violence, you’re an AINO. If you think guns and warfare are the only things keeping you free, you’re an AINO. If you deny that diversity is stability, you’re an AINO. If you despise change and difference, you’re an AINO. If you’re not sure you’re an AINO, find someone holier than thou to make the pronouncement. You shall be judged in every detail of your life. You will be tested in every action, every word, every thought, again and again. No one gets a free ride; no one pays sufficient dues to escape continual reassessment. The ground beneath your feet will never again be firm. Watch yourself, AINO.

Think Progress » Pro-Choice GOP U.S. Senate Candidate Says Republican Party Has ‘Morphed Into’ Something ‘I Don’t Recognize’

Binnie is not the only Republican falling victim to the “hostile takeover” and radicalization of the GOP. The so-called “reasonable Republican” Rep. Bob Inglis criticized Republican leaders for the “lowest form of political leadership” and Tea Party-driven “demagoguery” that is “dividing the country into partisan camps that really look a lot like Shia and Sunni.” Though he received “a 93 percent lifetime rating from the American Conservative Union,” he lost in his primary run-off.

Sen. Bob Bennett (R-UT), who fell victim to a Tea Party backlash, slammed the GOP for letting tea parties and Fox News lead it by the nose. Echoing Binnie’s sentiments, Bennett noted, “I find plenty of slogans on the Republican side, but not very many ideas.”

Think Progress » Pro-Choice GOP U.S. Senate Candidate Says Republican Party Has ‘Morphed Into’ Something ‘I Don’t Recognize’

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