God’s Country?

If you wonder what the American Christian Fascism Movement is, you just don’t recognize it by name — you can’t have missed the movement itself.

For an example of the ACFM at work, look to Ohio, where Evangelical Christians are going to deliver the Republican nomination for governor to Ken Blackwell, who delivered Ohio to Bush in 2004 (or was it Diebold?).

Aren’t Christians allowed to campaign and vote? Of course. But “Patriot Pastors” go beyond the rights we all share, as does the Ohio Restoration Project, the Texas Restoration Project and the Wallbuilders, who decry the Separation of Church and State as something phony. Behind this movement is a cabal that looks more like Organized Crime than democracy in action. In exercising their rights, these people will happily remove rights from others. All “for the good of the nation” and because it’s “god’s will,” as interpreted by the Republican Party. mjh

NOW. Politics & Economy. God’s Country? | PBS

Evangelical Christians have been preaching politics in Ohio ahead of Tuesday’s gubernatorial primaries and face accusations of using the church as a vehicle for political advocacy.

The accusations come from another group of religious leaders who have filed multiple complaints to the IRS against two so-called “mega-churches” in Ohio.

One of those churches is led by Pastor Russell Johnson, who has become one of the most important figures in Ohio politics today. Johnson runs the Ohio Restoration Project, an organization that mobilizes so-called “patriot pastors” to deliver one-sided messages about social policy, secular laws and even political candidates.

The goal of the organization is to elect candidates who agree with conservative Christians on issues such as abortion and gay marriage.

“When it came to find a leader, we found one, Ken Blackwell, who said yes, marriage is defined by the Bible as one man and one woman, and I will stand with you,” Johnson said at an Ohio rally in February.

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