The NRA: armed and paranoid

Remember that the NRA was for expanded background checks before they were against them. Flip-floppers that turn whichever way the money flows. Cheap thugs who deserve lots of enemies.

The Strangest NRA Story Yet – The Daily Beast by Michael Tomasky

It virtually goes without saying that the keepers of such lists are always the bullies who survive by fomenting hatred and making sure that their constituents stay in a state of constant agitation. And so it was no surprise to learn over the weekend, via Josh Marshall, that the National Rifle Association has a little list of 497 people and organizations who are in some way, shape, or form anti-gun. It makes for hilarious reading, although it’s sort of frightening to think about the demented minds of the people who assembled it. …

It’s funny, isn’t it, how it’s always people on the right who keep these lists. … [T]he swamps in which these fevers have arisen in our history have been almost entirely right wing. …

The good news is that paranoid psychotics usually do themselves in. McCarthy and Nixon certainly did. I know everyone keeps talking about how powerful the NRA is, and that’s true. But the more they’re in the spotlight, the worse they look. …

The Strangest NRA Story Yet – The Daily Beast

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