Tennessee state Rep. Andy Holt is stupid enough to be Donald’s VP #furg


Assault rifles were used in Orlando and Sandy Hook. Now a Tenn. lawmaker plans to use AR-15s as fundraiser prizes.
by Peter Holley, WaPo

Instead of cancelling his gun give-away, as some critics called for, Tennessee state Rep. Andy Holt had another idea.

“That’s right… I’m now giving away TWO AR-15s!” he wrote on Facebook Monday.  “I’m sick and tired of the media and liberal politicians attacking our right to keep and bear arms. I’ll do everything I can to ensure the 2nd Amendment is protected and people are equipped to exercise their innate right to self-defense.”

Holt told the Tennessean that he remains convinced that the weapon used Orlando’s mass shooting has no bearing on the massacre. The paper noted that Holt has sponsored multiple gun bills, including one recently passed into law that gives full-time employees at Tennessee colleges and universities the ability to carry weapons on campus.

“It has nothing to do with the style of weapon,” he told the paper.

[braying jackass]

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