A majority of Americans favor Obama’s gun control proposals #furg

E.J. Dionne: Obama takes on extremism on guns – The Washington Post

Obama’s proposals are moderation incarnate. By international standards, they are very cautious. The president did not call for registering all guns or confiscating assault weapons. He strongly endorsed the Supreme Court’s interpretation of the Second Amendment right to bear arms. He is operating within a broad consensus about what is possible and what can work.

An assault-weapons ban received 38 Republican votes in the House in 1994 and is backed by 58 percent of Americans, according to a Washington Post/ABC News poll. Were those Republicans outside the mainstream? And what about that 58 percent of Americans? The poll also found that 65 percent favored a ban on high-capacity magazines, another part of the Obama plan, and 86 percent favored closing the gun-show loophole, part of the effort to make sure there are background checks for all gun purchases. …

“Enough,” Obama declared, insisting that change would come only “if the American people demand it.”

Will we?

E.J. Dionne: Obama takes on extremism on guns – The Washington Post

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