Trump flipflops on Climate Change and Clinton in one interview. Feeling betrayed, Trumpsters? #dumptrump

Trump softens position on climate change, Clinton investigation

By Roberta Rampton | NEW YORK

NEW YORK U.S. President-elect Donald Trump softened his stance on Tuesday on whether humans have played a role in causing climate change, according to New York Times reporters who attended an interview with the Republican.

Trump has previously described global warming as a hoax and earlier this month one of his aides told Reuters that the New York businessman was seeking quick ways to withdraw the United States from the 2015 Paris accord to combat climate change.

On Tuesday, Trump told the Times he thinks there is “some connectivity” between human activity and climate change, reporter Mike Grynbaum tweeted. …

Asked whether the United States will withdraw from climate change accords, Trump said: “I’m looking at it very closely. I have an open mind to it,” the reporter tweeted. …

[Trump] said he did not want to “hurt the Clintons” and wants to move on. “I’m not looking to go back and go through this,” Trump said, according to a Times reporter.

“I think it would be very very divisive for the country,” he was quoted as saying, referring to prosecuting Hillary Clinton or her husband, former President Bill Clinton.