The Nation | Blog | The Daily Outrage | The Faith-Based Fraud | Ari Berman
In 2003–according to White House data reported by the Los Angeles Times–Bush doled out $1 billion to hundreds of faith-based groups through a little-noted executive order. More importantly, the Bush Administration used the grants to sway influential African-Americans in key battleground states and reward longtime political supporters at taxpayer expense.
For example, after the Rev. Herb Lusk II delivered the invocation at the 2000 Republican convention, his Philadelphia church received $1 million in federal funds. Bishop Harold Ray, who offered the invocation at a rally for Dick Cheney in Palm Beach, Florida, got $1.7 million for his South Florida ministry. In 2002 Bush personally visited Milwaukee’s Bishop Sedgwick Daniels–who voted for Clinton and Gore–and later awarded him a $1.5 million grant. This fall, Daniels’s face appeared on Republican Party fliers in Wisconsin, endorsing Bush as a man who “shares our views.”
The faith-based initiatives likely played a crucial role in increasing Bush’s take of the black vote, especially in targeted swing states. Funnily enough, the campaign held grant-writing workshops in St. Louis in September (when Missouri was still in play) and Miami in October.