This Week’s Deep Thinker – WTF?

ABQjournal: Letters to the Editor

Democrats, Media, ACLU The Real Terrorist Threat

INSTEAD OF being united to fight the war on terror and the war in Iraq, the Democratic politicians, the far-left news media and the ACLU are doing everything they can to keep our country in disarray. Just because they don’t like President Bush, they do everything they can to hurt our country.

Democratic politicians, far-left news media and the ACLU are the biggest terrorists in this country. They may not be killing Americans and American soldiers directly, but indirectly they are.

Foreign terrorists don’t have to come here to attack us, the above named organizations are doing it for them. Our country is safer in spite of them. They oppose the Bush administration on everything he tries to do to protect our country.

John Kerry claimed he had a plan for everything. If he and the Democrat politicians care about our country why don’t they come up with those plans as Democratic proposals to help our county and get credit as their ideas. Everything from the Democrats is negative, never anything positive.


I don’t mean to be negative, but I’m positive Gallegos is a divider, not a uniter — and an idiot, to boot.

Here’s an idea: stop equating those who won’t kiss the president’s ass with the terrorists. mjh

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