The Look

Reaction Shots May Tell Tale of Debate (

smirk? grimace?Bush has flashed such expressions — and worse — at reporters when they ask him hostile questions. But the public has generally not seen the president’s more petulant side, in part because he is rarely challenged in a public venue. He has held fewer news conferences than any modern predecessor, Congress is in his party’s control, and he has a famously loyal staff. In rare instances when Bush has been vigorously challenged — most recently in interviews with an Irish television journalist and a French magazine — he has reacted with similar indignation.

the lookAs questions continued about Bush’s demeanor on Thursday night, his aides have changed their explanation of it. On Thursday night, adviser Karen Hughes said: “On his face, you could see his irritation at the senator’s misrepresentations.” But by Friday morning, Mehlman said: “I don’t know that he was irritated.”

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