Sunshine in Washington, DC

The first executive order Duhbya signed in 2001 was to lock up presidential records in perpetuity. Six years later, the House has some spine again. TRY to remember next election that Heather Wilson voted in support of Duhbya’s absolute power. (Even Steve Pearce voted for the public.)mjh

PRESIDENTIAL RECORDS ACCESS: Voting 333 for and 93 against, the House
on March 14 passed a bill (HR 1255) nullifying a 2001 executive order
by President Bush impeding public and historians’ access to presidential
records. Bush’s order empowers future and past presidents and vice
presidents to deny or strictly limit access to their papers. This bill
would reinvigorate a post-Watergate law [1978] making most White House
documents publicly accessible without undue delay. …

No member spoke against the bill.

A yes vote was to send the bill to the Senate. ”

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