Republicans Against Bush

A Republican Adrift in Ohio
By Harold Meyerson

ELYRIA, Ohio — In theory, Dan Imbrogno shouldn’t be a voter George W. Bush has to worry about. Imbrogno, a lifelong Republican, Ohioan and business executive, looks like central casting’s idea of the model Bush voter. …

Imbrogno is a tried-and-true Republican, too, but even so, he says, “I won’t vote for Bush. I won’t necessarily vote for Kerry; I have trouble with his positions on some issues other than economics.” But he supports John Kerry’s proposal to end tax breaks for companies that have moved their jobs overseas.

Imbrogno is not alone. He’s active in the Northeast Ohio Coalition for American Manufacturing (NEOCAM), a group of corporate executives who Imbrogno estimates to be roughly 80 percent Republican. And among his fellow NEOCAM members, he says, “I know I’m not exceptional” in breaking with Bush.

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