Plain Spoken Common Sense

Howard Dean Calls FCC Probe of Breast Incident ‘Silly’

Howard Dean, a physician and a Democratic presidential candidate, on Monday dismissed as ”silly” a government inquiry into whether indecency rules were broken during the broadcast of the Super Bowl halftime show when pop diva Janet Jackson’s bodice was ripped to expose her right breast.

”I find that to be a bit of a flap about nothing,” the former Vermont governor said. ”I’m probably affected in some ways by the fact that I’m a doctor, so it’s not exactly an unusual phenomenon for me.” …

Dean, who does not have cable television at his home in Burlington, Vermont, said Americans could inadvertently turn on “far worse things” while “cruising through cable at regular viewing hours.”

“I don’t find it terribly shocking relative to some of the things you can find on standard cable television,” he added. “I think the FCC probably has a lot of other things they should be pursuing.”

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