Our National Language

Duhbya is the least articulate president — perhaps of all. In addition, his administration is the most secretive (closed-mouthed and closed-minded) of all. So, prepare to scratch your head trying to understand the official position on a common vs official vs unifying vs national language, also known as “English-Plus” to the Administration, as in “Duhbya is a double-plus-good leader!”

Our national language is BUllSHit. mjh

English as US’s ‘official language’ a semantic question: Gonzales – Yahoo! News

Further muddying a political debate on the country’s principal language that has arisen amid a wave of largely Spanish-speaking illegal immigrants, Gonzales said Bush “has never been supportive of English-only, or English as the official language.”

“But certainly we support the fact that English is the national language of the United States of America,” he told ABC’s “This Week” program.

Bush’s top legal advisor, Gonzales — himself the grandson of Mexican immigrants — was attempting to clear up seemingly conflicting White House positions on two competing US Senate bills that seek to establish in law the position of English as the country’s official language.

One bill would make English the US “national language”, replacing a previous draft making it the “official language”.

The second bill said the US government “shall preserve and enhance the role of English as the common and unifying language of America.” Both passed the Senate Thursday.

While Gonzales had indicated Bush — who himself speaks some Spanish — opposed the laws, on Friday Bush spokesman Tony Snow suggested his support.

“I think that both of these amendments are consistent” with Bush’s wishes, Snow said.

“This is really a question of semantics,” Gonzales said.

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