One Christian feeling hijacked by politics

One Christian feeling hijacked by politics By Gena Caponi Tabery

I live in a country that is increasingly eager to challenge its citizens’ loyalty, among people of faith increasingly determined to dispute the faith of others. Some people who call themselves Christians – and some church leaders – are beginning to redefine Christianity in such a way as to exclude worshipers with whom they disagree. I fear a religion in which ideology is more important than theology.

If someone – like me – who has worshiped as a Christian for more than 50 years suddenly feels afraid of the extremes of that religion – what must it be like for those of different beliefs, or of unbelief? …

If I question political decisions, am I un-American? If I don’t agree with a fundamentalist, am I un-Christian? …

Nowadays, so many people are looking for a fight. I’m not. Neither am I afraid to pray in public. But I am afraid of my faith being hijacked to promote someone else’s political agenda. I am afraid of my faith being used as a weapon in a crusade against anyone who dares to think or believe differently. … I don’t want to be mistaken for a hijacker

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