Oh, How I HATE Rich Lowry

Rich Lowry (”Dick” to his friends, if only he had any) is such a silly child. Lowry was one of the original ”angry white men” (conservative) back before those same angry white men decided Dean’s (and most Democrats’) anger would be his downfall. He’s Lush Limbaugh’s half-witted bastard son; does he, too, dope himself to get through the day? mjh

Rich Lowry on Howard Dean on National Review Online

Inquiring Minds Want to Know
16 questions for Howard Dean.

The other Democratic candidates for president are beginning to challenge front-runner Howard Dean daily, asking questions about his positions and fitness for office. Here are the questions that they’re not asking Dean, but should: …

#16 — If you had to choose your percentage of the popular vote in a general election right now, would you pick George McGovern’s 37.5 percent, Walter Mondale’s 40.5 percent, or Michael Dukakis’s 44.8 percent. Please round to the nearest single digit.

Rich: Here’s a single digit for you! How about the 48.38% Gore got (vs Bush’s 47.87%)?

See, Lowry gets rich writing drivel that ridicules Dukakis’ 44.8%, while hiding Bush’s loss to Gore with only 3% more than Dukakis.

Lowry should go back to writing for Young Republican’s Weekly. mjh

mjh’s Weblog Entry – 03/10/2003: “Rich Lowry and the Left”

Deep thinkers like Lowry can’t imagine one can love America and criticize it. To his ilk, “you’re with us or you’re against us.” His narrow mind cannot accommodate the notion that America might have a touch of evil amid all that’s good. Oh, wait, sure he can — the touch of evil is in all us “leftists.”

mjh’s Weblog Entry – 05/27/2003: “Merde to Frankenfoods”

I would call Lowry ignorant but, of course, it is his arrogance that is insufferable. “The United States is seizing the moral high ground.” Indeed, every day, in every way. However, US corporate food interests have quite a bit to do with this. In the style of the Radical Right, Lowry can’t simply make his point, he must ridicule those he disagrees with. How moral is that?

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