Can we talk? Or not?

A majority of Americans distrust Duhbya and

dislike Cheney (even fear/hate/loathe him). A majority believes we were ‘manipulated’ into war. A majority gives at least lip service

to freedom of speech and dissent. Yet, a majority believes talking about the war hurts troop morale. So, are we to just shut up or is

lowered morale the price we must pay to get at the truth? mjh

Poll: Dems’ barbs hurt troops THE WASHINGTON POST

[A] new poll conducted Nov. 17-20 indicates most Americans are sympathetic

to Cheney’s point. Seventy percent of people said that criticism of the war by Democratic senators hurts troop morale – with 44 percent

saying morale is hurt “a lot,” according to a poll taken by RT Strategies.

Even self-identified Democrats agree: 55 percent

believe criticism hurts morale, while 21 percent say it helps morale.

As VP goes on attack, poll numbers fall off CHICAGO


The vice president’s hard-line language fires up the conservative base that remains fond of Cheney, it does not appear to

impress much of the rest of the country. Polls show Cheney is less popular than Bush, who himself is suffering from the lowest ratings of

his presidency.

Cheney’s image has not been helped by such moves as his decision to attend an upcoming fundraiser for Rep. Tom

DeLay, R-Texas, the in-dicted former House majority leader. A cartoon in The Washington Post recently showed a glowering Cheney, angry

that Bush pardoned the Thanksgiving turkey.

Among Republicans, 80 percent in a Nov. 11-13 Gallup survey said they approved of

Bush’s job performance, while 68 percent ap-proved of Cheney’s.

A majority of all 1,006 voters surveyed rated Cheney’s

advice to the president as “bad.” [mjh: amen.]

The Phony War Against the Critics By

Michael Kinsley

“One might also argue,” Vice President Cheney said in a speech on Monday, “that untruthful charges against the

commander in chief have an insidious effect on the war effort.” That would certainly be an ugly and demagogic argument, were one to make

it. …

Lest one fear that he might be saying that, Cheney immediately added, “I’m unwilling to say that” —

that” being what he had just said. He generously granted critics the right to criticize (as did the president this

week). Then he resumed hurling adjectives like an ape hurling coconuts at unwanted visitors. “Dishonest.” “Reprehensible.” “Corrupt.”

“Shameless.” President Bush and others joined in, all morally outraged that anyone would accuse the administration of misleading us into

war by faking a belief that Saddam Hussein possessed nuclear and/or chemical and biological weapons.

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One thought on “Can we talk? Or not?”

  1. Nothing in politics just happends.That is why I do not believe Bush did not know about

    Port deal. Tricky Dick said he did not know.Shit give ne a break.Man they want us to believe he knew nothing just like he nothing about

    the Vice Press.Right,This is a $$$$$ deal with oil connections and knowbody knew.I don’t tkink so.You think the Mr. Vice P. didn’t just

    like Tricky Dick.This is a cover up.Think about it,no body knew anything when $$$$$ is involved.Bullshit.No lobyest knew the amount of $

    $$.Bull the White House knew.The easiest cover up is to say just like ever lier I knew nothing.

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