More Conservative Arrogance

U.S. News: John Leo on a surprising jog to the right(11/24/03)

[T]he conservative media world is now good at gang tackling. From Matt Drudge’s Drudge Report (which framed the issue of the miniseries) to Fox, the bloggers, talk radio hosts, and the columnists, everybody piles on. New York Times columnist David Brooks touched on this point some time ago, writing that the new conservative media have ”cohered to form a dazzlingly efficient ideology delivery system that swamps liberal efforts to get their ideas out.” For liberals, this is an ominous development.

Conventional liberalism is the old, rigid establishment. The antiliberals are brash, funny, and cool. Who would have thought?

Note this is arch-conservitive John Leo writing. He’s not warning us, he’s crowing. mjh

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