Mission Accomplished?

Read the following polls of

Iraqis and Americans (3 different polls). Note that half of Iraqis say the US invasion was wrong; about the same number of Americans

agree. But more than 2/3rds of Iraqis oppose our continued presence (77% according to the DOD).

Yet, we will stay and continue

dying and killing — adding to the ranks of those who hate us. Maybe BushCo shouldn’t be allowed to fuck things up further. Impeach the

whole incompetent gang. mjh

ABC News: Poll: Most Iraqis Oppose Troops’ Presence

More than

two-thirds of those [Iraqis] surveyed oppose the presence of troops from the United States and its coalition partners and less than half,

44 percent, say their country is better off now than it was before the war, according to an ABC News poll conducted with Time magazine

and other media partners. …

Half now say the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq was wrong, up from 39 percent in February 2004. …

A fourth of those surveyed, 26 percent, say U.S. forces should leave now, and another 19 percent say troops should leave after those

chosen in this week’s election take office. …

The poll was conducted by Oxford Research International face-to-face with 1,711

Iraqis age 15 and over from Oct. 8 to Nov. 22. The margin of sampling error is plus or minus 2.5 percentage points.

DefenseLINK News: Poll Shows Nine in 10 Iraqis Want to Vote Dec.


A total of 77 percent of those [Iraqis] surveyed oppose the presence of coalition forces in Iraq, and almost half said they

believe there is a rationale for attacks on coalition forces, with 40 percent saying there is no excuse for such attacks.

CNN.com –

Poll: U.S. can win war, but won’t – Dec 13, 2005

Forty-eight percent of those [Americans] polled said they thought it was a

mistake to send U.S. troops to Iraq, as opposed to 54 percent of those polled last month. Fifty percent said it was not a mistake,

compared to 45 percent last month. …

The poll, released Tuesday, was conducted with 1,003 Americans who were interviewed by

phone. The sampling error varied from question to question, but none had a margin of error exceeding 4.5 percentage points.

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Mission Accomplished

Bush in flightsuitBush in front of Mission Accomplished sign on carrier

May 1st will be the first anniversary of ”Mission Accomplished” and Bush’s first campaign commercial. Remember it well. mjh

Keepers of Bush’s image

George W. Bush’s ”Top Gun” landing on the deck of the carrier Abraham Lincoln will be remembered as one of the most audacious moments of presidential theater in American history.

The Image of Security

Tom Ridge, 57, is talking a lot about ”branding” these days. …

THE campaign commercial

All this so one draft dodger could put on a show for the cameras? So an AWOL Texas air guardsman could play hero for a day? So an armchair warrior could gloat over defeating a fourth-rate army while our fighting men and women were forced to spend an extra day away from their families? I want my money back, Mr. President. — JON DRUCKER

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Mission Accomplished

Baghdad visit gives big boost to Bush By Stephen Dinan, The Washington Times

A new poll shows President Bush has received a ”substantial immediate” boost in popularity and approval ratings after his surprise visit with the troops in Iraq on Thanksgiving.

The National Annenberg Election Survey compared polling from the four days before Thanksgiving with the four days following the holiday and found significant changes on everything from Mr. Bush’s personal likability to his job performance to the country’s direction.

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