Lush Limbaugh Really IS a Big Fat Idiot

class="mine">Obviously, I don’t agree with Lush Limbaugh’s political views. More importantly, I consider him an odious, vile being —

beyond a scoundrel. That anyone hangs on his words shocks me and saddens me about my fellow citizens. Dittoheads might as well tattoo

“moron” on their foreheads as allow this chump to shape their worldview. If you get all of your “information” from Lush and/or Fox,

you’re filling your mind with shit.

When I heard that peace advocates had been kidnapped by a previously unknown group, I

considered it might be the US government engaged in some PsyOps. See what happens when you govern through lies and deception? mjh

Christians Kidnapped in Iraq; Rush Limbaugh

is Pleased

Well, here’s why I like it. I like any time a bunch of leftist feel-good hand-wringers are shown

reality. So here we have these peace activists over there. I don’t care whether they’re Christian or not; they’re over there,

and as peace activists they’ve got one purpose. They’re over there trying to stop the violence. [mjh:

in reading this, you’re missing the appalling “fag” lisp Lush affected. He’s a pig.]

Follow the

link below if you want to read some comments. In particular, from the dittohead who marvels that Lush foresaw that people would quote

him. Duh.

Media Matters – Limbaugh on kidnapping of peace

activists in Iraq: “I’m telling you, folks, there’s a part of me that likes this”

It’s comical how all of these people can

get so worked up when they hear he said/she said bunk. It’s perpetual, and doesn’t hurt him in the least bit. If I were him I wouldn’t

give it a second thought either, I mean, who are you people anyway? – pharmd

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